ponedeljek, 14. februar 2011

A fresh start

Hi there!

Just want to say "hello" to all the people who are reading this. This website will be a place where I will post news from my personal life.

As you might have read from the top of the page, I am broke. I will attempt to earn money by totally changing the way I think & function. So basically that means that I am going to be a living experiment. I will document a lot of things and post them on this website.

Currently, I don't own a computer. I am writing down everything I can think of on paper and then re-typing it on a computer in our city's library. I've sold everything I have so I can help my family with the bills and other things. My room currently contains a bed, desk for writing and some flowers (so it looks nicer). But I'm not complaining, It's actually quite nice to sleep in.

I will update this page regularly so come back some time.
